




韩国国立庆尚大学Young Bae Jun教授关于把中智集理论应用于一些代数结构学术报告会

作者: 时间:2019-12-16 点击数:




TitleNeutrosophic algebraic structures in BCK/BCI-algebras

Abstract:We would like to consider the Neutrosophic set theory will be applied to the algebraic structures, such as residuated lattices, MV-algebras, BL-algebras, MTL-algebras, R0-algebras, equality algebras, effffect algebras, EQ-algebras, lattice implication algebras, BCK/BCI-algebras, IS-algebras, hoop algebras, etc. There are several kinds of neutrosophic sets which can be applied to algebraic structures such as fuzzy neutrosophic set theory, bipolar fuzzy neutrosophic set theory, intuitionistic fuzzy neutrosophic set theory, interval-valued neutrosophic set theory, multi-valuedneutrosophic set theory, neutrosophic duplet and triplet theory, neutrosophic hesitant fuzzy set theory, neutrosophic vague set theory, neutrosophic sets based onneutrosophic points, neutrosophic quadruple structures, neutrosophic soft and rough set theory, neutrosophic N-structures, neutrosophic hyper structures, neutrosophic pseudo algebraic structures, neutrosophic cubic set theory, generalized neutrosophic set theory, MBJ-neutrosophic set theory, multipolar fuzzy neutrosophic set theory, etc. These concepts in relation to neutrosophic set theory are primarily intended to be addressed above BCK/BCI-algebras.

报告人:韩国国立庆尚大学Young Bae Jun教授


Ph. D. Degree in Mathematics

Emeritus Professor

Department of Mathematics Education

Gyeongsang National University

Jinju 52828, Korea

Brief CV:

Young Bae Jungot PhD from Kyung Hee University, Seoul, South Korea. Post-DoctoralFellow at University of Alberta, Canada, 1989-1990 (Supported by KoreaScience & Engineering Foundation). Heworked at the Department ofMathematics Education, Gyeongsang National University (GNU) as aprofessor (from 1982 to 2016), and now Emeritus Professor of GNU. His research interests: BCK/BCI-Algebra; Fuzzy Algebraic Structure; Soft (Rough) Algebraic Structure; Smarandache Notions in Algebraic Structures.  

He published a book, “BCK-algebras”, with Professor J. Meng, and more than766 research papers in several journals. Awards and Honors: AcademicAchievement Award (7 July 2006), Busan-Gyeongnam Branch of theKorean Mathematical Society. Listed in the eighth edition of “MarquisWho's Who in Science and Engineering”. Listed among the Highly CitedResearchers 2016 published by Thomson Reuters. Listed at the 2017 and 2018 Highly Cited Researchers which has been published in Clarivate Analytics.

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